
A phase-coherent software-defined radio with five RTL-SDRs

Aug 20, 2024

Kraken Pro Cloud Mapper and Other Updates

In this update we'd like to share some of the KrakenSDR projects we've been working on, as well as various projects we've seen from our customers. Read the full update.

Sep 27, 2023

Demo Videos, Updates, and Improvements

Here's a quick tour of some KrakenSDR demo videos, plus a look at recent updates and improvements. Read the full update.

Apr 18, 2023

Manufacturing and Stock Updates

Manufacturing of our latest large batch is now complete, and the Crowd Supply and Mouser stores are both stocked and ready to ship out. Thanks to everyone who was waiting for your patience while we finished manufacturing this batch. Read the full update.

Jan 13, 2023

New Year Update & Customer Survey

This is just a short update on new developments and to wish everyone belated happy holidays. Read the full update.

Oct 24, 2022

Field Reports and New Software Updates

In this update, we'll highlight some demonstrations of the KrakenSDR that users have uploaded, and provide updates on some new software that we have been working on. Read the full update.

Aug 30, 2022

All Backer KrakenSDR Units Shipped, Customer Feedback, VirtualBox, and GNU Radio Block

We're happy to announce that all KrakenSDRs and antenna sets for backers have been delivered to the Crowd Supply warehouse! Now that customers are receiving their products, we wanted to remind people about our Wiki and the all-important Quick Start guide on it. Read the full update.

Aug 09, 2022

Shipping Status Updates

Just updating everyone on the shipping status of KrakenSDR. Read the full update.

Jun 24, 2022

June Shipping Update & Pricing Change

This is just a quick update to notify customers that the first batch of KrakenSDR is now beginning to ship! At the time of writing, 300 units have already been shipped to the Mouser warehouse, and Mouser has started shipping them to backers. We want to extend a massive thank you to all pre-order customers for being patient during the COVID delays, supply shortages, and lockdowns we've experienced over the past year. Read the full update.

May 25, 2022

May Update

In this update we'll provide details on the progress over the past month since the previous update. Read the full update.

Apr 20, 2022

Manufacturing Update

In the previous update, we noted how COVID lockdown in Shenzhen had halted our manufacturing. We're happy to now say that lockdowns in the Shenzhen area have eased, and manufacturing is back in progress. There is still the risk that lockdowns could come back at any time, but for now we are able to continue making manufacturing progress. Read the full update.

Mar 15, 2022

Enclosures, Drawings, Calculators, User Manual and Shenzhen Lockdown Updates

In the last update we showed what the new enclosure with fan looks like with the raw aluminum. This is a brief update just to show off some pictures of what the (near) final enclosure will look like after anodizing and with the logo lasered on. We also talk about engineering drawings, an antenna calculator, a draft user manual and manufacturing updates. Read the full update.

Mar 04, 2022

Manufacturing Progress, Prototype Enclosure, Antenna Sets, and Software Features

In this update, we'll provide an update on the progress of KrakenSDR that occurred throughout February. Read the full update.

Jan 20, 2022

January Update

We hope everyone has had a great new year and holiday season! In this update we'll show some new examples of the KrakenSDR in action, and some updates on software and manufacturing. Read the full update.

Dec 23, 2021

Holiday Season Update

Firstly, we'd like to wish all our backers and followers a happy holiday season! In this update we'll describe some progress we're making on the code base, and some updates about manufacturing. Read the full update.

Dec 01, 2021

Kraken campaign succeeds!

Thank you to everyone who has backed or been following this project. The initial funding campaign has now concluded with almost 5x our minimum funding goal! So now what? Read the full update.

Nov 15, 2021

EU Orders, Software Updates, and Antenna-Array Spacing Information

If you had trouble placing an order from the EU and received errors about a missing CE certification, please give it another try. There appears to have been a misconfiguration in Crowd Supply's ordering system that incorrectly excluded EU backers for approximately five days. That misconfiguration has since been fixed. For clarification, KrakenSDR will have CE certification, making it legal to sell and use within the EU. This update also includes details about our software-development progress and about antenna-array spacing. Read the full update.

Nov 05, 2021

Manufacturing Progress, Enclosure Pics, Software Development, and Some Testing

Including external-component phase-distortion experiments focused on cable-length changes and external LNAs and filters Read the full update.

Oct 29, 2021

Manufacturing News, Beacon-Tracking Experiments, Antenna Details, and a FAQ Update

Thanks to everyone who's following along with this project. We've now sold well over half of the initial 1,000-unit batch we are planning to produce immediately following the campaign. It's looking like we'll sell out that entire production run before the end of the campaign, at which point shipping estimates for subsequent orders will shift back to late September. So please do order early if you want to get your KrakenSDR by the date currently shown on the campaign page! Meanwhile, here's an update on what's been keeping us busy. Read the full update.

Oct 22, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions

We have received a number of excellent questions, which we have summarized in this update. Read the full update.

Oct 20, 2021

The Latest Kraken Development News

Catch up on all the latest development work we've done on the Kraken SDR ecosystem. Read the full update.

Oct 14, 2021

Releasing the KrakenSDR!

KrakenSDR is now available for crowdfunding on Crowd Supply. It is a five-channel, RX-only, software-defined radio (SDR) based on the RTL-SDR and designed for phase-coherent applications and experiments. Phase-coherent SDR opens the door to some very interesting applications, including radio direction finding, passive radar, and beam forming. Come have a look at our campaign page to learn more! Read the full update.

Sep 29, 2021

KrakenSDR Lives!

Like many others, we have been severely delayed by COVID restrictions and the effects it's having on the supply chain, and I'd like to thank everyone who is keen to get a hold of a KrakenSDR for their patience. The ball is rolling faster now, and we have finally received our latest KrakenSDR prototypes! Read the full update.

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