True Wireless Valve

A battery-powered, Home Assistant-compatible valve for smart water control in your home

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Jul 10, 2024

Video Demo: Home Assistant Integration

Here's a look at the True Wireless Valve working with Home Assistant. Read the full update.

Jul 05, 2024

Reducing Our Funding Goal

We want to thank everyone who has shown interest in and support for True Wireless Valve so far. Today, we have an important update regarding our funding goal. Read the full update.

Jul 03, 2024

Our Enclosure: Balancing Design, Functionality, and Manufacturing

Learn more about the mechanical design of True Wireless Valve. Read the full update.

Jun 11, 2024

Maximizing Battery Life

We designed True Wireless Valve (TWV) to achieve exceptional energy efficiency, enabling it to operate for up to two years on a single set of batteries. A key factor in this efficiency is the device's ability to enter sleep mode. TWV cannot remain asleep for too long, however, as it must be ready to respond instantly to commands from the user or automation signals from the hub. This update walks through the system of variable-polling intervals and explains how they contribute to TWV's long battery life. Read the full update.

Jun 06, 2024

Engineering the TWV: Designing for Dual Control

Here's an in-depth look at how we engineered the TWV for both manual and automatic operation Read the full update.

May 31, 2024

The History and Technical Challenges of True Wireless Valve

We share a bit about the history and the main technical challenges we've tackled with True Wireless Valve Read the full update.

May 23, 2024

We Are Live!

Introducing True Wireless Valve, by Uhome. Designed to enhance modern water management through integration with smart home systems, True Wireless Valve simplifies the installation process with a clamp mechanism that attaches directly to existing plumbing, offering a user-friendly setup that does not compromise the manual-operation capabilities of traditional systems. It run on four AAA batteries, ensuring a safe, wire-free environment. Read the full update.

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