ESP32 Rainbow

A ZX Spectrum single-board computer with a built-in keyboard and display

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Mar 04, 2025

Project update 11 of 11

Exciting Production Progress!

by Christopher G

Production continues to roll ahead for the ESP32 Rainbow Board…

I’ve just received the first batch of pictures from PCBWay to review the UV color silk screen positioning and I’m pleased to report that everything looks spot on:

It was pretty interesting to see the panelisation and rails needed for the boards to go through all the machines.

With everything approved, the team is now set to proceed with the full print run for all the boards. It’s incredible to see this project move forward; there are so many stages involved in the process! And this is just for the PCBs. We’ve still got the assembly and testing phases to go, so there’s plenty of work left to ensure everything comes together perfectly.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly. I’ll admit, the PCB manufacturing and assembly parts are some of the most nerve-wracking phases. There are so many small details that can trip you up along the way. But, there’s something incredibly rewarding about seeing something physically come to life, after all, so much of what we do nowadays is purely digital. It’s a reminder of why we’re doing this in the first place!

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