ANAVI Macro Pad 8

Open source, programmable, eight-key keypad with backlighting, underlighting, and OLED screen

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Nov 03, 2020

Project update 9 of 23

Maker Kit Hot-Swap Upgrade Details

by ANAVI Technology

Hot-swappable mechanical keyboards allow you to replace switches and LEDs on-the-go without soldering or even powering off the keyboard. None of the ANAVI Macro Pad 8 kits support hot-swapping of switches out of the box, however this can be achieved with an upgrade of the maker kit. Keep in mind that this procedure requires additional components, tools, skills and time.

Recently I published a short video tutorial explaining how to make any printed circuit board for a mechanical keyboard hot-swappable with footprints for Cherry MX plate switches. There are other brands such as Gateron and Kaihl which are compatible with the Cherry MX switches so this solution is universal.

ANAVI Macro Pad 8 has been designed with the free and open source electronic design automation suite KiCad. It uses footprints for Cherry MX plate switches. The developer kit will come fully soldered with Gateron red mechanical switches.

Required Hardware

The following hardware and tools are required to upgrade ANAVI Macro Pad 8 Maker kit to hot-swappable:

Exact Steps

Follow the steps below to perform the hot-swap upgrade:

Note: Mounting the holtite sockets looks easier than it is. It took me some time to do it for each switch and LED. Each key has 2 holes for the switch and 2 holes for the LED, so basically you need 4 sockets with the appropriate sizes for each key.

Huge thanks to Iain Shigeoka who proposed the idea of supporting hot-swapping of the mechanical switches shortly after the start of the crowdfunding campaign.

The hot-swap feature is fun. If you need it and have the skills for this upgrade order the ANAVI Macro Pad 8 Maker Kit. Alternatively, if you are just looking for an easy solution that works out of the box and you can assemble it with your bare hands order the ANAVI Macro Pad 8 Developer Kit, which comes fully soldered.

Best regards,

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