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Building a Simple Command-Line Interface

June 21, 2024 3:00-3:20 PM

Talk Track 2

Adding a command-line interface (CLI) to an embedded device doesn’t need to be difficult! In this talk, I’ll demonstrate how to build a simple CLI over UART using just a few dozen lines of code. We’ll finish up by looking at a few improvements to that implementation, as well as some libraries that can allow for some exceedingly capable command-line interfaces.

Nathan Jones is an active-duty Army officer and Assistant Professor at West Point Military Academy. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Harvey Mudd College and his master’s degree in Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University. One of Nathan’s favorite things is making neat electronic devices and then teaching people how to do the same.

View the slides for this talk here or download below.

teardown-2024-nathan-jones-simple-cli.pdf 1.2 MB

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