
A tiny FIDO2 security key for two-factor authentication and passwordless login

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Aug 09, 2019

Project update 2 of 9

What a Great Start!

by Emanuele C

Title/Subject: What a Great Start!

Teaser: First day, 180+ backers from around the world. A big thank you for this great start and a few stats, because we all love day 1 numbers.

Good morning from San Francisco, where the sun is not shining as it should — @KarlTheFog says hi.

Backer Country Breakdown

We went to sleep with a little more than 100 backers, over 50% of whom were from the US. And we woke up almost 40% funded, with many more of you from Europe and all around the world. Welcome and thank you to all of you!

Here’s the breakdown of the top 10 countries so far.

CountryCountPercentage of Total
United States7138.4%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland73.8%

Our team and contributors are spread around the world, and we want our customers and backers to be, too. We took a bet offering free shipping everywhere (for pledges of 3+ Somu) and we’re pleased to see it’s paying out.

Early Birds

Early bird discounts are also going fast, with almost half of both the 1x and 5x early bird Somu pledge levels taken. But looking at the glass half full, about 100 more early bird discounts are still available!


The most frequent question we received is about USB-C. Will there be a USB-C Somu? We can’t promise anything at this time, but depending on the success of this campaign -and if we’ll keep receiving this feedback- we may look into that. Or, maybe someone in the community will take over the challenge, we’d be more than happy to offer our support with the logistics and with our firmware, which is 100% open source and free to use.

Right now we, want to stay focused to deliver a great product. We’re not just looking at the first goal ahead of us, but we’re already actively working on SSH/GPG development. If you’re interested you can follow the progress at

Again, a big thank you for this initial, outstanding support, and we look forward to reaching the first goal very soon. If you’d like to help on that, the best thing to do is to share Somu with your friends — tell them they can use it for two-factor authentication to protect their Google, Facebook, or GitHub accounts, that is open source and trustworthy, and of course that you backed it as well.

Or you can just one-click tweet about Somu. :)

Keep on sharing Somu,
SoloKeys Team

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