HealthyPi Move

An open-source biometric monitor in a watch form factor

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Jun 19, 2024

Project update 5 of 13

Universal USB Type-C, Design Improvements, and More

by Ashwin Whitchurch

Thank you all for your support so far! We are back to highlight one of our key features and share some updates on HealthyPi Move. We have been working constantly on design improvements and are excited to share them with you!

HealthyPi Move’s Truly "Universal" USB Type-C Port

Early in the design process, we made the decision to include a USB Type-C port instead of a regular smartwatch style charging dock on HealthyPi Move. USB connectors are ubiquitous, and you will always have access to one when you need to charge the device. Charging cradles and docks, on the other hand, are brand specific, easy to lose, and difficult to replace. But we didn’t stop there. HealthyPi Move’s USB Type-C port is a versatile connector that is used for multiple purposes. The challenge here was to make sure that we did not break compatibility with USB Type-C standards. Thanks to internal multiplexing circuits on the PCB, we have made our USB Type-C port truly universal. It can be used for the following purposes:

HealthyPi Move USB Type-C
HealthyPi Move USB Type-C

A New Screen

We spoke briefly in our last update about how we wanted to make HealthyPi Move suitable for developers and everyday users alike. We have been constantly brainstorming various aspects of our design, including the look and feel of the UI. To that end, here is a quick snapshot of the new home screen on HealthyPi Move. In this screen, we have considered a fitness-tracker style UI that is easy to read and understand with time being read from the onboard RTC. This is just a preview, and we are working on more screens and UI elements that will be implemented in the coming weeks.

HealthyPi Move Home Screen
HealthyPi Move Home Screen

Let us know what you think about the new UI. And, if you have suggestions, please feel free to share them with us. Your feedback can help us make HealthyPi Move better!

Design Improvements

Speaking of aesthetics, we have made a few improvements to the HealthyPi Move enclosure based on feedback from our backers and on our own testing. Below are some previews of the latest version (revision 4) of the HealthyPi Move enclosure.

HealthyPi Move Enclosure
HealthyPi Move Enclosure

We are also working to give HealthyPi Move IP67-rated water resistance, and we’ve made some progress toward that goal. Below is a preview of the latest version of the HealthyPi Move enclosure with a water-resistant seal for the bottom PPG sensor assembly. (Note that this is just a quick trial run, not the final version.) We will share more updates on this in the coming weeks.

HealthyPi Move Enclosure Bottom Sensor
HealthyPi Move Enclosure Bottom Sensor

OSHWA Certification

In other news, we are happy to announce that HealthyPi Move has been certified by the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) as an open-source hardware project. We are proud to be part of the open-source community committed to keeping this project open-source. You can find our certification details on the OSHWA website and our source code and hardware design files onGitHub.

HealthyPi Move OSHWA Certification

Now that our hardware is almost finalized, we’ll be focusing on software improvements over the coming weeks and months. Stay tuned for future updates on new software features and UI developments!

Teardown 2024

We will be in Portland, Oregon between June 20th and the 23rd to showcase HealthyPi Move at Teardown 2024. If you’re going to be around, don’t forget to track me down and say hi! I will be giving a talk about the HealthyPi Story on Sunday, June 23rd. I hope to see you there!

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HealthyPi Move is part of Nordic Community Hub

Key Components

nPM1300-QEAA-R · Battery Management PMIC
Central source of power for the project

nRF5340-CLAA-R7 · Bluetooth System-on-Chip
Sole microcontroller supporting BLE communications and sensor data processing

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