
Pitchlandia, Submit Your Pitch!

The world’s first completely crowd-sourced, crowd-based and crowd-selected startup pitch event, all Portland-themed. 20 startup founders pitch, 10 startups get funded, audience decides

$32,630 raised

of $30,000 goal

108% Funded!
Not Available
Apr 17 2014
funded on

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2014 Pitchlandia results and transparency report

193.7GRASPCustomizable, affordable, open-source 3D printed prosthetics@GRASP3Dgrasp3d.co
277.1Blue ShiftSpeakers charge in five minutes@blueshiftPDXblueshiftPDX.com
375.4BuddyUpHelps students connect outside the classroom@getbuddyupbuddyup.org
474.4Live Forest FarmsSingle origin, ethically sourced food products@LiveForestFarmsliveforestfarms.com
571.9Bright NeighborAll-in-one sharing economy comparison site@brightneighborbrightneighbor.com
769.712 Hour DancerThe Rosetta Stone for dance@12hourdancer
867.7YumOYumWe bring personal chefs to the massesyumoyum.com
967.6Bosky OpticsPremium, artistic eyewear for a sustainable world@boskyopticsboskyoptics.com
1064.4Dyscover Me@dyscovermedyscover.me
11-20 startups in alpha order
bubblrListen to your city@gobubblrbubblr.co
CardSmithProject software that works like you think@CardSmithercardsmith.co
CoursettoEmpowers anyone to create and curate training@Coursettocoursetto.com
FarmseedA crowdinvesting platform for local agriculture development@andrew4impact
Habit BaseGames that create good habits@habitbase
PDX Pet DesignCreating the next generation of pet entertainment@PDXPetDesigngetshru.com
Rainy Oregon X-MasHigh-quality Christmas decorations made locally
The Portland ShowerOne touch, on demand smart water shower@portlandshower
The Simple WheelSimple tools for social change@thesimplewheelthesimplewheel.com
Startup companies 1-10 received a small investment of $2,500 each as voted by an audience of 300 people

Pitchlandia Financial Transparency Report

$32,730 total raised from 142 pledges

$25,000 divided by 10 = $2,500 per startup  
 $2,711 taxes and incidental costs  
 $2,558 crowdfunding bank fees  
 $1,500 highly discounted OMSI rental  
   $961 Bon Appetite beer corkage fee  
$32,730 accounted for  

Pitchlandia Media


Portland Business Journal


General Motors

20 startup founders pitch, 10 startups get funded, audience decides

Online ticket sales are over, but tickets MIGHT be available at the door at showtime at OMSI at 5:45PM tomorrow.

So, what is Pitchlandia?

Pitchlandia is a one-day business pitch event to be held in Portland, Oregon developed and hosted by the crack-team that brought you 2012’s sold-out Startup Riot. This event will provide investment money and support to local idea-stage companies from a cross section of industries (that includes food, beverage, apparel, retail, health, and yes, tech). You may have heard that Portland has a reputation of being different. Pitchlandia wholeheartedly embraces that. No judges, no grand prize, no exclusive limitation to one industry. Instead the companies, pitches, funding decisions, and the votes are all driven by you and your fellow Portlanders. Each company will have a few minutes to pitch and a few minutes for questions from the panel and audience. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet the founders and idea generators at their tables in the lobby before and in between the pitch sessions. After the pitches, each attendee gets to mark a ballot with 10 or fewer choices. Ballots will be counted, and funding will be awarded, right then and there. How much funding is there to be had? That depends on the crowd and the raging success of our Crowd Supply campaign.

Pitchlandia is Tuesday, May 27th 5:00-10:00pm, the Portland venue wil be shared with ticket buyers once the campaign is funded, or tickets are sold out, whichever comes first.

Want to pitch your business idea?

Yes, you too can throw your hat in the ring for a chance on stage! All you have to do is submit your idea directly with our online application at www.pitchlandia.com. Let’s do it!

The show (party) must go on

In Portland-fashion, there will of course be an after-party celebration, a celebrity party, a pre-party and unique PDX raffles during the day for uniquely Portland items.

Sign yourself up, sign your company up, sign your friend’s company up, and join Pitchlandia! Be a part of what could be funding history. OR…just come drink some beer. Tickets to the event will be made available exclusively thru a 30 day campaign to be launched in the spring of 2014. There will be dogs. There will be beer. There will be live tattoos. There will be bikes. It will be fun, fast, quirky, funky and more than just a little bit out of control.

Founder’s Club

Amber Case - founder Geoloqi, Jeannie Coates - founder Coates Kokes, Jerry Carleton - founder Immix Law Group, Jill Nelson - founder Ruby Receptionists, John Friess - founder Journey Gym, Lars Helgeson - founder GreenRope, Leif Youngber - founder CoolerEmail, Luke Kanies - founder Puppet Labs, Mark Grimes - founder NedSpace, Michael Coates - founder Push Your Business, Scott Kveton - founder Urban Airship, Nitin Khanna - founder MergerTech, Diane Boly and Pat Welch - founders Boly Welch, Joshua Lifton - founder Crowd Supply, Patrick Ezell - founder Copious Inc., Kent Lewis - founder Anvil Media, Robert Coury - co-founder Perka, Jared Siegel - founder Delap CPA

And Featuring…

Who the heck are we?

Michael Coates

{michael-coates-thumbnail-2 | small} Michael’s background as a business and M&A consultant, business broker and entrepreneur has dominated his professional background. As the Organizer of Startup Weekend Portland (Oregon), he helped jolt the startup scene in the community. A mentor and advisor, he spends much of his time counseling fledgling companies in the Startup Your Startup program offered at Portland’s NedSpace. In addition, he was the Organizer for the first Portland Startup Riot. Currently, he is in negotiations with teams to begin his next startup company.

John Friess

John Friess is focused on the process of founding and building the marketability, viability and exit ability of idea and emerging stage companies. The current company that he and his team are building towards a positive exit is Journey Gym. Before co-founding Journey Gym, he co-founded wired.MD, StarveUps, and was a Marketing Agent who helped with the launch of Kozmo.com a venture backed online convenience delivery service for food and household goods.

Carolynn Duncan

{cd-head-shot | small} Carolynn Duncan is the founder/CEO of TenX.org, a business education company which helps emerging entrepreneurs and business owners sharpen their business skills and as a result, exceed the $100K and $1MM revenue milestones: under Carolynn’s direction, TenX alumni have generated more than $20MM in revenues and funding since 2009. Prior to TenX, Carolynn was affiliated with EPIC Ventures, a Salt Lake City-based venture capital firm, developed an entrepreneurial finance program and ran LivePitch events for FundingUniverse (now Lendio), assisted in launching the Eastern Idaho Entrepreneurial Center in partnership with BYU-Idaho and EPIC Ventures, founded the Hundred Dollar Business.

Mark Grimes

{mg-head-shot | small} Mark Grimes is a social entrepreneur and angel investor who has started each of his businesses over the last 20 years with cash on hand, no business plan and all have been profitable within 90 days. Founder of Eyescream Interactive an advertising agency with clients such as P&G, Nextel, Disney, and Outpost.com. The agency was one of the top 20 interactive advertising agencies according to Adweek magazine and annual billings over 7.1 million dollars. Current businesses include NedSpace co-working for startups, innovative tech companies, and social entrepreneurs; and Maker Faire Africa a celebration of African ingenuity, innovation, invention and social entrepreneurship.

Derek Wyatt

{dw-head-shot | small} Derek Wyatt is a Co-Founder of CAKEpdx. CAKE stands for Consulting And Knowledge Exchange and is based in Portland, Oregon with the sole purpose to help early-stage entrepreneurs. CAKEpdx holds regular meetups designed to share scrappy business tips based on real world experience. They also offer early stage entrepreneurs the ability to build a website on a budget. Derek is also co-founder of The Portland Art Club, a place for people to discover fresh local art. Derek believes that building a strong economy begins at home and loves to see local businesses succeed.

Thubten Comerford

Acknowledged by Business Insider as one of the best connected entrepreneurs in the world, Thubten is a seasoned entrepreneur who actively mentors startup founders in Portland, Oregon, and across North America. He has interviewed hundreds of startup founders for his blog, Startup Weekly, which he has published since 2010. Thubten also co-hosts The Startup Show.

Max Holfert

{mh-head-shot | small} Max is a microfinance loan officer and business support specialist at Mercy Corps Northwest. After growing up in Kodiak Alaska and working as a commercial fisherman in the summers through his pre-med degree, he opted for work as a commercial crab fisherman over med school to fund his entrepreneurial instincts. He flipped a house and invested the profits into starting an energy efficiency focused construction business, which he ran for 5+ years. As his business grew, Max sought to have a deeper societal impact, decided to pursue a MBA to help build a career that could more responsibly direct the flow of resources in society. He then came back to Portland and cut his teeth on business credit at a Commercial Bank, which led to the opportunity to serve as a microfinance loan officer and business support specialist at Mercy Corps Northwest.

Jerry Carleton

Jerry Carleton, founder and principal of the Immix Law Group, is a corporate and securities attorney who counsels private emerging and growth-stage companies on corporate, finance and securities issues. Known as the entrepreneur’s attorney, Jerry’s resume includes Co-Founder of Keen Healthcare, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board of the Incight Foundation, and Founder and Chairman of the Board for the Hope Squared Foundation. He sits on a variety of non-profit boards throughout Portland and Oregon.

Robert Scott

Robert Scott is an Attorney at Immix Law Group where he primarily assists clients in the areas of entity selection and formation; securities compliance; corporate governance; intellectual property; angel, venture, and commercial financing; and general business advising. Robert is entrepreneurial by nature and is heavily involved (in varying capacities) in several local startups currently. He has practical experience in diverse industries including arts and entertainment, food and beverage, retail, hospitality, and winery production and operations. Robert’s diverse experience spanning a broad range of industries compliments his passion for small and growth-stage companies.

Let’s show the world what this town is made of

With your help, Pitchlandia can become a reality. If it is just one ticket, a group package or even a sponsorship this awesome event can only happen with your help!

Thank you so much for your interest and support and we’ll see you at the big show!

The Pitchlandia Team

Ask a Question

Produced by Pitchlandia in Portland, OR.

Sold and shipped by Crowd Supply.

4x Event Tickets


Founders Only

Founders only, limit 25. Lunch with companies, VIP reserved seat section, 4 tickets, front row, video of Founder to promote their company, company logos rotating on stage screen.


Sponsor Package 1


Sponsor Package 3

Limit 5. 4 tickets. Lunch with companies, VIP reserved seat section.


VIP Event Ticket

VIP reserved seat section.


Sponsor Package 2

Limit 10. 2 tickets. Lunch with companies, VIP reserved seat section.


Event Ticket


About the Team



Pitchlandia is a one-day business pitch event to be held in Portland, Oregon developed and hosted by the crack team that brought you 2012’s sold-out Startup Riot.

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