Update 178 of 249
"Nature abhors a vacuum." — Aristotle
Pixel Pump is an open source manual pick and place machine for PCB artisans.
ShaRPiKeebo is now available in the EU + free enclosure!
ANAVI Info uHAT shows its I²C.
Tigard is an open source, FT2232H-based, multi-protocol, multi-voltage tool for exploring low-speed hardware interfaces.
Dive into embedded ML for wearable and voice apps with the eFPGA-enabled SparkFun Thing Plus.
Order Your SparkFun Thing Plus - QuickLogic EOS S3
STEP400 is a motor driver board compatible with creative software suites such as openFrameworks, Processing, Max, Unity, etc.
Crowd Supply is your home for original, useful, respectful hardware. We’d love to hear what you are working on.
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