Update 177 of 251
"The great contention of the sea and skies parted our fellowship — but, hark! a sail." — Michael Cassio
Sensor Watch pairs a classic Casio watch with a modern, powerful microcontroller with state-of-the-art sensing capabilities. Check out this Friday’s video livestream with creator Joey Castillo as he discusses the final stretch of manufacturing Sensor Watch.
ANAVI Info uHAT gets OSHWA-certified.
Daisy-chain breakout boards for Mixtile Blade 3.
Sensor Watch battery - 240 days and counting.
Somu is an open source 2FA/FIDO2 security key that fits in your USB Type-A port.
MorphESP 240 puts the new ESP32-S2 Wi-Fi chipset to full use (bells + whistles).
BioAmp EXG Pill is an analog front end biopotential signal acquisition board for recording publication-quality ECG, EMG, EOG, and EEG signals.
Send basic command and control signals securely via LoRa® radio from kilometers away and with two years of power from coin cell batteries.
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