
A Linux computer that connects to the real world: ARM + FPGA + Wi-Fi + 180 I/O

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Jan 23, 2018

Project update 49 of 61

Production & piSmashers


Happy New Year! Hope you all enjoyed the holidays.

A quick update…

Apologies for the radio silence – December was a quite the crazy month, but the good news is we were able to get another 167 snickerdoodle blacks delivered to Crowd Supply (on top of the 147 snickerdoodles delivered in November). Per the last stock count, CS has ~350 snickerdoodles (split evenly between ‘regulars’ and ‘blacks’) working their way out the door. We’ve started the process of getting another 200 or so delivered by the end of February, so more and more (extremely patient, kind, and understanding) backers should start seeing krtkl packages showing up on their doorstep!

To give you an idea of where we stand on outstanding vs. fulfilled orders (after the upcoming build):

Remember, you can always check the status of your order and/or update your shipping address via the Crowd Supply account portal:

Additionally, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking information when your order ships. Should you have any questions the meantime – or if you would like to see if we can expedite your order or split an international shipment – please email us at: []( snickerdoodle order)

Finally, we are feverishly working on finalizing the piSmasher. We’ve temporarily stopped taking piSmasher orders until we’re ready to run the boards (targeting March), but we will absolutely be delivering. We’ll be sure to let everyone know when these are nearing completion so we can best accommodate any last-minute order changes.

That about covers it for now.

Until next time,

the krtkl crew

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