USB armory

An open source USB stick computer for security applications.

Jan 12, 2015

Project update 4 of 9

Shipping Begins

Hello backers!

I am happy to confirm that we received the first host adapter PCBs a little ahead of schedule and we assembled and tested them right away.

This means that the first 40 USB Armory units will also ship with whatever host adapters and imaged microSD cards were also ordered by those lucky early backers.

Those goods will be sent to Crowd Supply’s fulfillment center today, which means the first 40 USB Armories should reach backers before the end of the campaign, depending of course on where they are going, customs, etc. You will receive a shipping confirmation e-mail with a tracking number as soon as your package ships, so sit tight until you get that e-mail.

In the meantime, production for the first full batch of USB Armory boards and host adapters is ongoing. We plan to make updates covering production facilities and status in the next weeks.


Andrea Barisani
Inverse Path

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