USB armory

An open source USB stick computer for security applications.

Jan 02, 2015

Project update 3 of 9

Campaign Funded!

Hello backers!

We would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year, and it seems it is a happy one indeed as we have successfully reached our goal!

The goal has been reached a full month in advance before the campaign end, we are humbled by the overwhelmingly positive feedback and interest in the USB Armory.

As promised, we will ship the first 40 units as soon as possible. Since the campaign funding just happened in the middle of Winter Holiday season, and also considering the fact that some you first 40 backers also added a host adapter to your orders, we are realistically going to ship the USB Armory boards, imaged microSD cards, and host adapters in mid-January.

The delivery estimate for host adapters PCBs to our lab is January 9th and it will take very little time to assemble and test them. Once this is accomplished, we can ship all materials for the first 40 USB Armories to Crowd Supply for them to handle fulfillment.

This little delay ensures that all the later additions to the first 40 orders are honoured and shipped within the same order to optimize delivery.

Andrea Barisani
Inverse Path

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