Pixelblaze V3

A Wi-Fi-enabled, live-codable LED controller with a web-based development environment

Mar 29, 2021

Project update 11 of 11

Shipping Has Resumed + Magic LED Snakes in the Academy?

by Benjamin H

Shipping Has Resumed

Good news! Spring has come, and the processing backlog at Mouser has cleared up. Almost all of the pre-orders are showing as shipped!

A big thank you to everyone that backed the campaign or put in a pre-order, or both! Thank you for the support, and for hanging in there with the unfortunate fulfillment delays. Hopefully it’s smooth sailing from here on.

Magic LED Snakes in the Academy?

Be sure stop on by and check out some of the amazing things happening on the forum’s Pixelblaze Academy of Wizardry and Enchantment.

These are a series of fun educational coding challenges geared for folks wanting to learn how to make patterns, sometimes with a side game of code-golfing for advanced coders. This week it’s "Task #8: Serpentine Square!" Check out this demo of Jeff’s LED snake!

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