Hackboard 2

A powerful & affordable Windows 11 Pro SBC with optional 4G or 5G connectivity

Feb 11, 2022

Project update 13 of 30

DVT Almost Done, PVT About to Start

by Jon Prove

Dear backers,

I hope everyone is doing well and the new year is off to a great start for all of you. I’m going to provide more frequent updates than previously, hence this short update just a few weeks after the last.

We’re nearing the end of design validation testing (DVT) - so far, no news is good news for us. It should be complete early next week. We expect to start production validation testing (PVT) sometime next week, with people already wandering back into the factories from Chinese New Year.

Nothing else to report at this time. Once we have the PVT completed, I should have a timeline we are confident in to share. I’m hoping we will begin shipping to Crowd Supply by the end of February, but I’d like to get past PVT before making any promises. Again, we’ll confirm the timeline once PVT has completed.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Support@Hackboard.com. Thank you all for your ongoing support and patience, and have a lovely weekend.

Jon Prove

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