Giant Board

A single-board computer in the Adafruit Feather form factor

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Nov 05, 2019

Project update 10 of 13

Manufacturing Progress & USB Gadgets

by Christopher A

Hello Giant Board backers and supporters! We have an update on our manufacturing progress and on the work we’ve been doing to improve Giant Board’s support for USB gadgets.

Parts Received

We have received all of the Giant Board and Wi-Fi FeatherWing parts! They are now on their way to the manufacturer, who will soon begin making your Giant Boards. We are still on track to ship in time for the updated delivery dates of November 30 for beta boards and December 24th for our remaining orders. Thank you all for your patience and support!

USB Gadgets

In other Giant Board news, we have been working to improve Giant Board’s support for USB gadgets. We will be including a few services in Giant Board’s (Debian) root file system that make it easier to enable a serial console, a serial console with Ethernet, or a serial console with Ethernet and mass storage support. All of this can be done over Giant Boards USB port. We are planning even more USB features, including support for HID and audio gadgets. We’ve carried out successful tests with all of these features and are working to integrate them into the OS.

We’ll keep you updated as more news comes in. We can’t wait to see those first Giant Board shipments go out! Thanks again everyone!

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