Tobor Robotics

Open source, modular, highly customizable robotics and automation platform

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Mar 10, 2025

Project update 5 of 5

New Tutorials and Features!

by Andrew W

Hello Tobor supporters!

Thank you for backing Tobor!

We have reached and exceeded our funding goals!

More Pick and Place Progress

Tobor has been hard at work picking and placing components! We’re continuing to refine our toolchains—check out our latest update on electronics assembly:

We’ve successfully implemented camera integration, tool offsets, work offsets, and more. All the essential CNC features you know and love, now presented in a smooth, Pythonic workflow.

New Tutorial

In this demonstration, we walk through the complete process of programming Tobor from the ground up:

This streamlined workflow enables rapid development, testing, and deployment of custom automation routines.

New Feature: Serial Interface via StdIn

During development, we received a request to add serial communication for integration into automated production lines. In response, we implemented StdIn, a new block in Floe that enables serial data handling.

With StdIn, you can:

This addition significantly expands Tobor’s flexibility, allowing seamless integration with upstream systems, custom controllers, or other serial devices.

Tobor Keeps Getting Better

For added strength and durability, we’ve reinforced the large pulley with a full set of through-screws.

We’re also expanding Tobor’s capabilities with new components that make it easier than ever to swap in tools and customize for your needs.

And because you asked for it—we’re upgrading to a fully metal base! This gives Tobor an even more solid foundation, improving both strength and precision.

We have tons more coming! Look for future updates, and check out our campaign and if you haven’t already, help us bring our campaign to life by backing your Tobor today!

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