Tobor Robotics

Open source, modular, highly customizable robotics and automation platform

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Feb 26, 2025

Project update 4 of 5

Manufacturing Progress and More

by Andrew W

Hello Tobor supporters!
Thank you for backing Tobor. We’ve got some exciting updates this week.

Pick and Place updates

While this isn’t the first time we’ve picked and placed components, we’re refining our toolchain by incorporating the camera and more. Here is a short video showing Tobor assembling a board:

We’ll have more updates in this area next week, so stay tuned!

More Tutorials

Tobor is made to be hacked on and programmed to your specific needs quickly and easily, whether you want to add functionality or create a completely new tool. The Floe IDE can handle it!

This week we look closer at Tobor’s programming, how Tobor works, and how to modify Tobor to your own needs in our tutorial video: Programming ESP32 with Floe IDE.

We also gave a presentation at the NERP (Not Exclusively Raspberry Pi) Meetup at Pumping Station One in Chicago:

Manufacturing is Starting Up

We want to get Tobor in your hands as soon as we can. To that end, we are beginning to implement some of our manufacturing strategies. As promised, we have new pictures:

We have tons more coming! Look for our next update next week and check out our campaign.

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