Conexio Stratus Pro

A battery-powered cellular IoT prototyping platform with global connectivity

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Jul 16, 2024

Open sourcing Stratus Pro hardware design

Check out our design files and last chance to get your Conexio Stratus Pro at the discounted campaign price! Read the full update.

Jul 10, 2024

Final Campaign Days and Progress Updates!

Learn about our manufacturing updates as we near the end of our campaign. Read the full update.

Jun 26, 2024

The Latest Design Upgrades and Improvements

Check out what's new and improved with the Stratus Pro Read the full update.

Jun 18, 2024

Fetching and Visualizing Device Vitals

Learn how to quickly see the vital stats for your device. Read the full update.

Jun 12, 2024

Power Consumption: How Low Can You Go?

Learn more about our Power Consumption and Operating Modes Read the full update.

Jun 06, 2024

FAQ and Project Progress Report

For this first week’s update, we’ll be giving you a peek at our current progress and we'll answer some of the frequently asked questions we have received. Read the full update.

May 31, 2024

Our Campaign is Now Live!

Learn about our simple cellular-connected IoT solutions Read the full update.

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