When you read this message, it means that the Retro-uC campaign has come to an end... Read the full update.
In this update I will discuss how first time right was taken as target for the Retro-uC project from the start. Read the full update.
As of writing this, the campaign has been running for one and a half weeks and is just $1 under three thousand dollars in funding. A good start but also still a long way to go. If still in doubt, don't procrastinate - and go support the Retro-uC and Chips4Makers project. Read the full update.
I am delighted the moment has come and the Retro-uC campaign has launched. I hope you are as excited as I am! Read the full update.
When writing this I am putting the last efforts in my presentations for FOSDEM 2018. Read the full update.
In order to provide some more background on the reason why the Chips4Makers project exists, I started writing some blog posts. Read the full update.
The videos of the ORConf 2017 conference are posted on-line. Also the Chips4Makers presentation video is part of it. Enjoy the video and learn more about the purpose of this project. Read the full update.
The goals and plans for the Chips4Makers project were presented at ORConf 2017, and XLR8 source has been released. Read the full update.