Boondock Echo

Internet-backed recording and playback device for two-way radios

Jul 18, 2024

Project update 11 of 14

As Close As Close Can Be

by Mark J. Hughes

Hello Amazing Supporters,

We’re back with another update to keep you in the loop with our progress and developments at Boondock Technologies! The good news is we’re getting close. Very, very close! We’ve hit a few tiny delays, but we believe we can still get these to Mouser by the end of the month. (Although it’s looking like it will be close)

I’ve turned my living room into a fabrication facility — complete with workstations covered in ESD material and barcode scanners. I’ve even got a bit of code that time stamps the boards as they move through each station!

Shipping Update

Shipping is currently the most painful part of the process. Watching parts move from overseas to here, then sit idle at hubs is stressful. The latest issue involves the housings — they’re in Los Angeles, and have been for a few days. We’re unsure if it’s a customs issue or if they’re just stuck in a shipping container waiting to move to a linehaul office.

Manufacturing Update

Our housing manufacturer detected some defects during the quality control stage of production, specifically with the buttons. They just completed re-manufacturing these parts, and they are on the way to us now. This added a slight delay of approximately 5 days. While this is inconvenient, we’re grateful that these errors were caught before the parts reached us, since we would have had to reject them and that would have delayed the project further.

Software Development

Our software development team is excited to announce two new features:

Simplified Bring-Up Process

We’ve streamlined the initial setup process. A new option will allow you to connect to a Boondock Echo via your phone, connect to a local Wi-Fi network, and submit your email address. From there, you can complete the registration process from your phone or computer using the email provided. This should get you online in mere seconds!

TLS/SSL Encryption

Security is paramount to us. Despite the ESP32’s limited processing power, our team has managed to implement TLS/SSL encryption for your data. This enhances network security, albeit with a slight increase in latency. For those who prioritize security, this feature is available in the latest firmware release!

What is Left?

So what’s the holdup? Well, it’s time. Everything takes time and we don’t have enough of it, so we’re moving as fast as our schedules allow.

Shipping Box

Shipping boxes only take a week to come in, and we’ve got a sample headed our way now. If the sample is acceptable, we’ll order the rest.

Case Labels

The case labels were supposed to arrive today, but they’re off in Vermont enjoying the summer. They’ll arrive soon enough.

Then, we get to figure out how to apply them without leaving any bubbles behind. Oh boy, won’t that be fun.

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Thank you for your continued patience and support as we navigate these challenges and strive to deliver the best Boondock Echo experience possible!

Warm Regards,
Jesse, KC, Mark
Boondock Technologies, LLC

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