
A USB kill cord for your laptop

Oct 18, 2022

Project update 18 of 31

BusKill Now Shipping!

by Michael Altfield

Shipping Update

We’re excited to announce that our first production run of BusKill cables is now in-stock at our distribution center. If you have ordered a BusKill cable, then it’s already on the way, and new orders will ship immediately.

What’s next?

Now that the hardware is out the door, we’re hard at work on new features for the BusKill app. Our top goal is to add a soft-shutdown trigger to the existing lock-screen trigger. At the time of writing, this is functional on Linux and Windows. We’re just working out the kinks of privilege escalation on MacOS.

Getting Support

We did our best to test BusKill across the three target platforms, but the wide spread of OS versions does leave room for error. If you happen to find a bug with BusKill, please let us know.

Field Reports

Now that you finally have a BusKill cable in your hands, we’d love to hear from you!

Tell us how you’re using BusKill to keep you and your loved ones safe by filing a Field Report at Crowd Supply.

If your field report is selected, you’ll get a $25 Crowd Supply credit and your field report will be published as an official project update, emailed to backers of that project, included in our newsletter, and featured in our social media:


The most recent delay shipping BusKill to our backers was US Customs. CBP held-up our products for 31 days for a "intense exam."

We ship the BusKill kits with the software pre-installed on the USB Drive for our user’s convenience. Of course, this introduces the risk of interdiction.

Included on the BusKill USB Storage drive is a "sigs" directory that includes all of the BusKill software’s platform-specific releases (compressed archives), the BusKill team’s PGP Keys, a "SHA256SUMS" manifest file, and its cryptographic signature "SHA256SUMS.asc".

We highly recommend downloading our PGP Keys out-of-band and cryptographically verifying the authenticity & integrity of the BusKill App.

For more information, about our work to mitigate to interdiction attacks, see our FAQ.

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