A DIY Computer for Hobby and Education

Dec 19, 2017

ELLO Status

Hi all. It has been a while since the last project update, but the work on ELLO has never stopped for a moment. Read the full update.

Mar 20, 2017

Factory Programming & Shipping

First, sorry again for the delay with the manufacturing of the Hacker systems. I had to go through a couple of iterations with the factory to make sure everything on the boards is as it should be. Learning from the experience with the first batch, now the systems will be fully assembled and programmed in the factory. Read the full update.

Jan 30, 2017

Assembly Video & Troubleshooting

Following up on the issues some people have encountered with systems that are supposedly non-operational after being assembled, I asked Crowd Supply to send me one of the production boxes so I can investigate the issue. The box arrived yesterday, and I opened it and assembled the system today while shooting a video. Have not made any early preparation and the video actually shows me opening the box for the first time. Read the full update.

Nov 18, 2016

Problem Solved (so it seems)

It looks like things are not as bad as they looked a few days ago when I discovered the issue with the soldermaks in the keyboard combs. I have been thinking about solutions and tried Velostat (unsuccessfully). There is of course always the option for chemical treatment but I wanted to see first if there is a more user-friendly way. So the good old Microchip came to save the day once again :-) Read the full update.

Nov 14, 2016

No Luck This Time

Well, it's time for the first bad report... :-( Received the production samples. Excellent build. In fact so much excellent that it has created a problem on it own. Read the full update.

Nov 06, 2016

Release Samples Ready

The first three fully manufactured samples are on their way to me from the factory. Read the full update.

Oct 03, 2016

Manufacturing & Shipping progress

I am aware that the manufacturing of the first systems is currently off by about a month compared to the initial estimates. There are a few reasons for that, but the most important one is: I want to make everything right, so the PCB0 and PCB2 boards in the stack had to be redone to optimize for the new PGA sockets. Some difficulties in the supply of the LCD panels also introduced some delay until the factory managed to establish a link with another supplier. And finally, a bit of time was also lost during the license negotiation process because before then I was unable to order pre-programmed chips from Microchip. Read the full update.

Oct 02, 2016

Great News

It’s great news this time! I have managed to negotiate and come to a mutually acceptable agreement with Geoff Graham, the author of MMbasic, the license conditions to allow official distribution of MMbasic port for the ELLO computer. So that last obstacle is now gone and Microchip already delivered a batch of pre-programmed chips to the PCB factory for assembly of the first 2M systems. Read the full update.

Sep 01, 2016

Manufacturing Update

Currently the project is moving full steam ahead. Read the full update.

Jul 18, 2016

Campaign Ended

Thanks to all the backers, the ELLO 2M project successfully reached its funding goal before its conclusion, and that is great news. Beyond that, the stretch goal was also reached! Read the full update.

Jun 27, 2016

Stretch Goals and Final Two Weeks

Hi all, With less than two weeks remaining until the end of the funding campaign, the project is nearly 90% funded now. A final push and a few more supporters will make the ELLO computer a reality. Please share and spread the word in your circles so this could finally happen. I was asked on several occasions about the stretch goals and what will happen with the rewards of those people who have already pledged their support at earlier stage. Read the full update.

Jun 20, 2016

Prototyping Space Demo

Hello backers, I have received several questions regarding the prototyping space on the ELLO 2M. Please find below a quick and simple temperature sensing demo so you can get an idea of what this space can be used for. Read the full update.

Jun 07, 2016

New Pledge Levels

Hello all, I would like to introduce some new pledge levels, available now. After research and hearing feedback from supporters and those interested in the ELLO 2M, the following pledge levels have been added: Read the full update.

Jun 01, 2016

ELLO 2M Assembly Video and a New Pledge Level

Hi All, I have made a short video (below) that walks through the PCB stack and assembly of the ELLO 2M. I hope you enjoy it. Read the full update.

May 31, 2016

50% Funded and a Short Video

Hello ELLO 2M supporters, Thank you very much for your initial support of the campaign. Because of your efforts the ELLO 2M is over 50% funded in the campaign's first week. We've still got a ways to go, but I am humbled by the quick start, so thank you again. Read the full update.

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