
A tiny robot for games, exploration, and programming

Aug 04, 2020

An End to the Skoobot Project

Do to the demands of my startup job and family, I can no longer devote the time needed to Skoobot to complete the orders. Read the full update.

May 29, 2019

Quick Status Update

I am going to try and finish them by June-end and then get started on pre-order sales. Read the full update.

Jan 22, 2019

Production Update

As production proceeds, I made these videos. Plus, an update on delivery dates. Read the full update.

Oct 17, 2018

Production Begins + Survey Request

Production begins. Facebook pages, forums and surveys. Read the full update.

Oct 10, 2018

The Skoobot Campaign is Ending Soon

Help spread the word during the last two days of the campaign! Read the full update.

Sep 27, 2018

Ordering Components, Classes and More

So far 31 Skoobot's have been pledged. Read the full update.

Sep 18, 2018

Skoobot News and Latest Development

Its been a busy few weeks for Skoobot. Catchup on the latest news. Read the full update.

Sep 06, 2018

Goal Met and Demo Videos

We met our crowd funding goal, yay! Read the full update.

Aug 29, 2018

Crowdfunding Campaign is Live

Hi, I'm Bill Weiler, maker of Skoobot. The crowdfunding campaign for Skoobots is now live and accepting pledges. Skoobot is a tiny robot for games, creative software, and ultimately, a multi-player game tool for teaching kids with special need social skills. I got the idea from watching kids at a SpecEd camp interact around a spinning-top toy. Using Skoobot, and the latest SpecEd research, I hope to make a solution that can accelerate learning. Skoobot is a great hacker toy in it's own right, with many technologies to learn and be creative with. Please show your support on the campaign page and share the project with your friends. Read the full update.

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