Hello WILD Supporters, WILD Outdoor Apparel is very sorry to announce that the Park Place Snap-Front Jacket has been delayed at the factory and will now be leaving the factory the last week of October. There was some confusion as to the delivery date from the Crowd Supply sale. Originally Oct. 15th was the delivery date and then it was moved up to August in an update. That update was not correc... Read the full update.
Hello Park Place Supporters, Wild Outdoor Apparel is busy making the Park Place and the Sweet sister as we speak. I am looking forward to delivering the garments this Fall to everyone who placed an order. Thank you for your support. I will be very interested in hearing your comments after your recieve your items. Please look for more Wild Outdoor Apparel products on the wildoutdoorapparel.com w... Read the full update.
Hello WILD Outdoor Supporters, Thanks to everyone who supported the Crowd Supply Campaign of the Park Place Snap-Front Jacket. We reached our goal and the production of the jacket will be begin in about a week. I sincerely appreciate everyones efforts to spread the news and to help WILD Outdoor Apparel gain a level of success I could not acheive alone. Thank you again for all of your help and s... Read the full update.
Progress Update Hello WILD Outdoor Supporters, We are 74% funded at this point and I would like to thank everyone who has placed an order. We are getting down to the nitty gritty with the sale ending on May 3rd. Please let your friends and family know what a great deal this is so that more wild Outdoor Apparel styles can be launched through the Crowd Supply venue. Sharing on Facebook and person... Read the full update.
Hello WILD Supporters, First off, I would like to thank you for your support of the Park Place Snap-Front Jacket from WILD Outdoor Apparel. Your efforts thus far have gotten the jacket to 50% funding, and that much closer to becoming a reality. But we need the help of the crowd to give this campaign a boost to meet its goal over the final 10 days. Any efforts in spreading the word are truly app... Read the full update.
Hello WILD Crowd Supply Supporters, The response was terrific from my last update, I really appreciate the feedback about the spirit Owl. The decision has been made to keep the owl, but I want to clarify the coloring. The Obsidian color was intended to have an Obsidian colored Spirit Owl with the feather tips being black. This will be a very tonal and non-contrasted Owl for the most neutral col... Read the full update.
Hello WILD Crowd Supply Supporters, I have had an inquiry about the Owl logo and if it is totally appropriate for a technical street style like the Park Place. I would like to ask for your opinions on the matter. Presently the logo is the WILD that is on the upper chest and is color matched to the shell fabric color. The Owl is not meant to be a logo but a WILD spirit or type of good luck charm... Read the full update.