ATM90E26 Single-Phase Energy Monitor Dev Kits

An open, affordable, and accurate energy monitor using ATM90E26.

Sep 07, 2017

Project update 4 of 12

ATM90E26 Breakout assembly and QC progress

Thank you very much for your interest and support. I have reached my funding goal with a few weeks to spare.

Assembly of initial batch in Adelaide has finished and I am currently testing the ATM90E26 Breakouts. Getting these tested and ready will help me focus on the design of the DIN rail module.

There have also been a fair few questions regarding 3-phase support. I have successfully tested a 3-phase capable Featherwing based on the ATM90E36, more details on this soon. Hopefully I can launch a follow on campaign to cater for those interested in 3-phase energy monitoring.


Whatnick Team

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