
An open source stereoscopic camera based on Raspberry Pi

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Feb 08, 2019

Project update 4 of 38

Raspbian OS Image for Video Livestreaming Experiments

by Eugene Pomazov

Over a week has passed and we have a little bonus for you!

Our campaign started nine days ago, and we’ve already gathered 72% of our goal. Thank you for all your support!

On our campaign page, you can see a group of stereoscopic video livestreaming experiments, including with YouTube, Oculus Go, and first-person-view drones. Behind the scenes, we did a lot of other livestream experiments with translation video to Mac, Windows, Android phones, and RTMP servers.

These experiments took a lot of preparation, which we preserved in the form of a Raspbian OS image from you which you can run them all. Today, we want to share this image with you, so you can repeat all these experiments on your Raspberry Pi while you’re waiting for your StereoPi. The image is compatible with classic Raspberry Pi and a single camera. We’ve also made available the Android application and gstreamer examples for receiving the video livestream on Mac and Windows. Check it out on our newborn wiki and start your own livestream experiments! In the meantime, we are working on filling up the other wiki sections. More soon!

Download the Raspbian image and check out the new wiki

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