
An open source stereoscopic camera based on Raspberry Pi

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Dec 10, 2018

Project update 2 of 38

Factory prototypes passed all tests

by Eugene Pomazov

As we mentioned in our previous update, 3 weeks ago we started first step for preparing production at chosen factory. Now we are glad to inform you that first step is successfully complete!

During these 3 weeks these things happened:

With every StereoPi factory do the next things:

  1. Insert MicroSD with test software
  2. Insert Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 Lite
  3. Connect two cameras
  4. Connect Ethernet cable from StereoPi to router
  5. Connect HDMI monitor
  6. Connect USB device
  7. Turn power on

Script runs on start checks all things like camera modules, USB, Ethernet. If every subtest was successful script shows “green” result. So we obtained “green” for all 20 pieces.

The last thing we plan to do is to make aggressive tests in our lab. If aggressive tests will not show any things needed to be patched, then it means we have approved hardware design and ready to press “start” button for production right after successfully crowdfunding. We do our best now to start crowdfunding campaign in the nearest few weeks!

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