A tiny, mighty ESP32 development board

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Jun 21, 2019

Project update 9 of 12

That's A Wrap!

That’s a wrap! What an amazing 42 days… everyone’s support and generosity has been amazing and we are truly humbled by the experience.

Production Status

We’ve currently built, tested and packed over 900 TinyPICOs, over 150 Shield packs and over 100 Play Shield packs, so we’ve bitten off a huge chunk of production, which is excellent! That said, we saw a pretty mad rush at the end so have hundreds of TinyPICOs still to make - Luckily Seon’s used to little sleep ;)

Delivery Timelines

I’m happy to say we are on track for delivering ALL campaign orders on time! That’s pretty amazing in our minds because when we set our delivery dates for the campaign, it was based on 1/3 of the amount of items backed… but we were determined not to make anyone wait longer than necessary to get their TinyPICOs and Shields into their hands.

Purchasing TinyPICOs post campaign?

Now that the campaign is over, you can still buy TinyPICOs from Crowd Supply by pre-ordering. Once the backers orders are out we’ll be sending Crowd Supply extra stock to fulfill pre-orders and future orders.

We’ll also be selling TinyPICOs and more shield packs on the Unexpected Maker tindie store, but that won’t go live until all backer orders have shipped.

What’s next?

Once we have all of the orders finished and shipped, We’ll get back to completing the rest of the MicroPython and Arduino libraries and example code. Then we’ll finish off the tinypico.com website, then sleep? :D

Wow, what a wild ride!

Once again, thanks for helping make this a truly amazing and memorable launch campaign.

We can’t wait to see what you all make with your TinyPICOs!


Seon & Matt

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