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View Purchasing OptionsBelow is a how-to video that goes through the process required to set up a low-cost, two-channel sniffer using CANFDuino and the SavvyCAN open-source CAN sniffing software. Read the full update.
As mentioned in our previous post, we think SavvyCAN developed by Collin Kidder is the best open-source cost per channel software tool for CAN bus sniffing. Finally, we have spent some time bringing the CANFDuino and the GVRET protocol for SavvyCAN up to speed to handle CANFD messages from 2 ports. Read the full update.
Today we are going to address an FAQ that has been asked a few times since launching the product: "is it possible to power CANFDuino off of 12 or 24 V power?". Read the full update.
SavvyCAN, developed by Collin Kidder, is the best open-source cost per channel software tool for CAN bus sniffing. It is just as powerful as many of the paid CANalyzer tools on the market and it’s very easy to get up and going - it even supports multiple CAN bus channels on multiple OS types (OSX, Linux, Windows). Read the full update.
Good news backers! The next batch of units has arrived at the warehouse and will be shipping to you in the next week or two. All existing orders should be filled with units leftover for stock at Crowd Supply. Read the full update.
Good news: so far, the main processor is still on track for the manufacturing of the next batch of CANFDuinos, which should arrive this month. For this field update, we are going to show you how the CANFDuino can be easily customized for your application by using the PCB prototyping area. Read the full update.
Hello CANFDuino backers, I wanted to drop you a quick update to let you know that the first 24 CANFDuinos are packed and ready to ship out! Read the full update.
Here's our latest tutorial, demonstrating a quick method for getting OBDII vehicle communications and logging up and running with your CANFDuino. Read the full update.
In this update, we have for you a really easy, but very powerful, example use-case of the CANFDuino. Read the full update.
The CANFDuino platform can be turned into a handy two-port CAN/FD sniffing tool for basic monitoring of bus traffic without any fancy PC-side software. What’s interesting is that a very old-school terminal protocol developed in the 1970’s for VT100 terminals plays a part. The ANSI X3.64 protocol provided a really simple method for manipulating cursor location and printing to the screen driven by the embedded device (a duty that nowadays is implemented in PC software that can be OS and driver dependent as well as licensed). Enter modern day browsers, for which terminal-emulator web pages have been developed. Or you can turn to the ubiquitous, free, and reliable terminal program PuTTY. Basically any PC-side “terminal emulator” can be used to “CANalyze” bus traffic, regardless of how it runs or what OS it’s on (provided USB to serial drivers). It’s not the most beautiful or elaborate solution, but hey, it’s simple, easy, and cheap. The following update delves deeper into this application of CANFDuino. Read the full update.
We have some good news for backers! We are happy to announce that we have a high level of confidence the second batch of CANFDuinos will ship by October, 2022. (Early orders will still ship within the next couple of months.) In order to make this happen, we were forced to swap out a single component. CANFDunio was originally designed to run on Microchip's ATSAMC21G18A, which has lead times into late 2023, so we are temporarily replacing that part with the slightly less powerful ATSAMC21G17A variant. This modification will not affect the available IO but it will change two specifications: Flash Memory Space will be 128 K rather than 256 K and RAM space will be 16 K rather than 32 K. This update describes what that means in practical terms. (Hint: not very much.) Read the full update.
It's true there are several CAN and CANFD shields on the markets with several supporting libraries. Many of them are designed for use with popular open-source platforms like Arduino UNO and ATMega. So why not just use one of those? For this week's update, I decided to write about one of the primary motivations for using an open-source board that is purpose built for CAN projects as opposed to a "stacked-shield SPI-based" approach: the need for speed. Read the full update.
Learn about the latest CAN standard, CANFD, and how it works with CANFDuino Read the full update.
Thank you for supporting CANFDuino. We are really excited to hear where our backers go with this product, and we can't wait to get one into your hands! Unfortunately, we have depleted our first batch of stock and, due to supply chain issues, we are now looking at a 12 to 18-month lead time. That being said, there are only a handful of components holding us back. If we get some relief in supply, we will place our order, produce our next batch, and complete fulfillment as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued support! Read the full update.
We are pleased to announce the launch of CANFDuino from Togglebit. Visit our campaign page to order yours now! Read the full update.