A range of tiny, low-cost, well-supported, and open FPGA dev boards

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Jul 19, 2023

Boards Arrived & Testing Has Started!

Hi everyone, All of your patience has nearly paid off! We've received TinyFPGA from the manufacturer! Read the full update.

Dec 21, 2022

Production of a New Batch Starting Soon!

Hello, It’s been a long time since the last update was posted. We are deeply grateful for your patience and your support of both TinyFPGA and open source hardware. We have experienced many problems getting this project up and running again, but we are excited to say that we finally have some good news to share! Read the full update.

Jul 05, 2018

Production Complete

Hello TinyFPGA BX supporters! The production TinyFPGA BX boards arrived on July 3rd and are in the process of being tested. This is earlier than planned and will help to pull in the shipping schedule. Continue reading for a quick status update and important shipping information. Read the full update.

Jun 19, 2018

Production Unit Assembly Begins!

FPGAs were shipped on June 12th and delivered to the assembly house on June 19th. This is two weeks later than expected and will delay shipping the boards to backers. However, we should still be able to ship boards in July... Read the full update.

May 04, 2018

Manufacturing Continues

Greetings TinyFPGA BX supporters! It's hard to believe it's only been two weeks since the campaign was successfully funded. Time flies and I've been busy ever since. I have three updates I would like to share with you, let's start with a manufacturing progress update. Read the full update.

Apr 20, 2018

Campaign Ends and Production Begins

The crowdfunding campaign for the TinyFPGA BX has successfully completed. Thank you to everyone who has backed this project! The level of support was greater than I had imagined it would be and it has been a lot of fun watching the orders come in. If you didn't get a chance to back the project before the campaign ends, don't worry, you can still pre-order your board right from the Crowd Supply project page. Read the full update.

Apr 13, 2018

TinyFPGA B2 and BX Projects!

Since the TinyFPGA BX is building upon the success of the original TinyFPGA B2 board, there are already many makers and hobbyists creating projects using the B2. I would like to highlight some of these projects as well as a project of my own I am preparing for Maker Faire Bay Area 2018. Read the full update.

Apr 02, 2018

First Update and Test-Jig Development

First, I want to thank everyone for pledging and following the TinyFPGA BX project. The amount of support the project is receiving is great and makes it that much more fun to work on. The original TinyFPGA B2 production run was 250 boards and the new BX campaign has pledges for nearly that many at the time of writing this update. Thank You! Read the full update.

Mar 19, 2018

TinyFPGA BX is Now Live

The original TinyFPGA B2 was developed by Luke Valenty in the summer of 2017. The idea was to create a tiny, breadboard-able, open hardware, and low-cost FPGA board for makers. The B2 introduced a novel open-source USB bootloader built into the FPGA fabric itself. The original production run of 250 boards has sold out and the new and improved BX revision is ready to launch! Read the full update.

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