
A portable hardware kit for experimenting with pneumatics

Jun 06, 2019

Project update 3 of 10

50% Funded, Intros, CAD, Etc.

Thanks to all your support, the campaign has reached 50% of it’s goal!

Intros & tutorials

If you have not seen it already, has a good introduction to pneumatic circuits and a tutorial on making your own vacuum jamming gripper.

Updated CAD models

The GitHub repository now has files for a base for Programmable-Air which can be laser cut. M3 or #4 screws work perfectly. I also added 3D-printable files for connectors between silicone tubing and pouch robots.

FLXO by Arnav Wagh is a set of soft robotic actuators that can be plugged directly into VEX Robotics system. He recently started a project which will have a lot more information coming soon. Till then you can read more about FLXO on his blog.

Arnav used Programable-Air to quickly prototype and test his 3D printed actuators. A number of different actuators produce different types of motion.

Teardown 2019

I will be presenting Programmable-Air at Teardown 2019 in Portland. I will also host a workshop where we’ll be making inflatable soft robots. If you are around, stop by and say hi!

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