Obsidian ESP32

An ESP32 in a Raspberry Pi Form Factor

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Sep 09, 2019

Project update 9 of 13

Production Status

Obsidian ESP32 cases and boards have both been successfully ordered, the cases are nearly complete, and PCB fabrication is underway. I forwarded some components to PCBWay, and kept a nice roll of ESP32-WROVER-B’s for my part:

The cases are being printed. They should be completed this week, far in advance of the boards:

I apologize for having been relatively quiet, my wife underwent a spinal tumor surgery last week, leading up to that I was working double time to make sure all of the orders were in place, since then I have been supporting her as best I can, making communication a bit more difficult. So far everything looks like it is progressing on time, I await the boards back from PCBWay for final assembly, flash, and test!

Remember, if you missed backing the project, there is still plenty of time to pre-order!

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