Nov 19, 2021

Teardown Session 12: Security, pentesting and hardware hacking with Joe Fitz

Join Helen and this week’s guest, security educator Joe Fitzpatrick, as they talk about hardware security and hardware hacking. Along the way, we get an in-depth look at his Tigard hardware hacking tool. We also get a look at Joe’s bench and his very extensive collection of conference badges. There’s also a very early sneak peak at a new FPGA-based project Joe and collaborator Piotr Esden are working on.


A Tigard board with wiring harnesses

$49 $8 US Shipping / $18 Worldwide

BitMagic Basic Logic Analyzer

A BitMagic open hardware FX2-based logic analyzer. It includes a labeled wiring harness and a 14-pin cable for connecting directly to Tigard.

$30 $8 US Shipping / $18 Worldwide
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