Greetings, and thank you for supporting my campaign to make "The Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen" all the way back in 2016. A lot has changed in the world since then, and Shenzhen is no exception. Read the full update.
I'm pleased to inform you that all the copies of the Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen have arrived safely in Portland, Oregon. Read the full update.
Thank you again for supporting the campaign for The Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen. Read the full update.
The campaign is about to wrap up. I’ve already started the process of preparing the printing factory for production. Last week, I made another visit to the facility... Read the full update.
First, I want to say wow! I did not expect such a response to this book. When preparing for the crowdfunding campaign, I modeled several scenarios, and none of them predicted an outcome like this... Read the full update.