Inkplate 4 TEMPERA

An open, Arduino-compatible, 3.8-inch e-paper device with plenty of peripherals

Apr 22, 2024

Project update 8 of 8

Open Source Files Published

by David Z

Dear Supporters,

We are excited to announce that the open-source files for Inkplate 4 TEMPERA have been published! As promised, we’ve made all relevant design files available to the community. You can access these files through the following links:

Hardware Design Files

You can find the hardware design files on our GitHub repository:
Hardware Design Files

3D Printable Enclosure Design Files

The 3D printable enclosure design files are also available on our GitHub repository:
3D Printable Enclosure Design Files

Feel free to explore these files, contribute to the project, or use them for your own projects. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your continued support, and stay tuned for more updates!

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