SlimeVR Full-Body Tracker

An affordable, comfortable, wireless, 360° solution for full-body tracking in virtual reality

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Sep 20, 2024

Project update 26 of 27

Third Anniversary, and Even More Slimes Shipped!

by Eiren

Hey Slimes, it’s been a while! A lot of stuff happened here in The Cave (including moving to the new Cave!), but most importantly, 2099 more Slime Sets were shipped to backers recently, now totaling 10803 sets fulfilled! They have been delivered to Mouser a few days ago and by the time you read this update, should’ve been already sent out. This shipment includes the rest of the orders from 2023, and a bit from January 2024.

Lots of slimes, waiting to be picked up by UPS

More are Coming Soon!

Currently, our assembly partner, Chain Logistics, is packing 3024 sets of slimes, and we in The Cave are packing 160 more. These 3184 (and maybe a bit more) will cover all orders till around June-July of 2024! We’re very close to reducing lead time from more than two years, to just a few months! We expect these sets to be shipped by the end of September! If you made your order in 2024, please check your shipping address in your account! If your address have changed since you ordered, please contact Crowd Supply support as soon as possible to prevent any shipping issues!

After that shipment we will be working on catching up on the last of the recent orders, as well as getting SlimeVR in stock. We have all the parts required, we just need to hurry up with testing and assembly. Let’s hope we can catch up by the end of October! It’s closer than ever.

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A Bunch Of New Stuff

Since the last update, we moved to the new Cave! The new place has way more space to put all the new people that joined SlimeVR team in the last few months.

Our new logistics and fulfillment room, where Slimes come to be assembled or packed
New 3D printer and CNC room! Since then, we got another printer. You can never have too many printers, especially when prototyping new things.
New workshop is way more spacious and better organized!
We shouldn't forget our roots and do a silly every once in a while...

New Things

As mentioned earlier, we recently got new team members in The Cave. All of them were people that previously contributed to SlimeVR, and we managed to drag them to our office in The Netherlands. They are working on improving SlimeVR by improving the server (there are so many improvements cooking right now!), improving the processes, and working on new things!

A few prototype PCBs for our VR Glove project!
What if Slimes were even smaller, but had the same tracking quality and battery life? Coming at some point in 2025.
New stickers honoring our contributors! Each one represents a person who helped make SlimeVR as cool as it is. Coming soon™

SlimeVR Campaign Is 3 Years Old!

On August 31st, we celebrated the 3 year anniversary of the launch of our crowdfunding campaign. It was certainly a challenging 3 years, full of unexpected and expected problems. But, we got though them with a lot of help from everyone working on SlimeVR, from our amazing community, from the people from Crowd Supply, and our manufacturing partners.

❤️ We love you all so much and eternally grateful that you didn’t give up on us, and continued to trust us with your time and money, and we’re so happy that we’re already past 10000 delivered sets with many more to come very soon! Big successes in crowdfunding are rare, and even more rare when an inexperienced team faces unexpected challenges. We’re so glad that we didn’t become another failed campaign, all thanks to your support. We promise not to let you down, and continue working on delivering more orders, improving SlimeVR, and making new and cool open-source things for VR and XR!

Thank you!

Talk To You Later!

We should have another update when the next shipment is ready! Stay tuned, and come chat with us in Discord.

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