Available for pre-order
View Purchasing OptionsProject update 18 of 29
The day has finally come, the first large shipment of Slimes has left our Cave (it actually happened a few days before this update, sorry for the delays)! They are now on their way to Crowd Supply’s distribution warehouse, and from there they will be shipped to you!
Here is the list of sets that we’re shipping and the amount of each. First number is how many we shipped, second number is the amount we consider in the first batch (orders up to May 2022), and third number is the amount in the second batch (orders up to January 2023).
There are two obvious thing to note about this list. First, it’s less than half of the first batch for total amounts. Second, there are way more some sets than the others, some are even reaching into the second batch.
We started assembling, hoping to rush the assembly and do all of first batch in one big go. That’s why we prepacked and were not assembling sets equally, but one set at a time, switching colors and sets sometimes. It took trial and error to streamline the assembly and packing process, and we’re still working on improving things. The tester took longer than expected to finish too. As a result, we were way slower than we predicted. Some time ago we decided we can’t do all of the first batch in one go, and we should schedule the pick up time and ship what we have by then. Which is what we did, and this is what is now going out to Crowd Supply and then - to you!
You might have a question if your order is in this shipment. We ask you to please be patient and let Crowd Supply sort all the shipments and send them your way. Logistics is complicated, and SlimeVR is a big project with a lot of SKUs. Your order will be ready soon either way, we appreciate your patience a lot, and we ask for a little bit more!
As mentioned before, we decided to not do huge batches for now, instead we will try to make regular shipments of smaller batches. This will be better for everyone - we won’t need to crunch, backers will have a steady stream of Slimes arriving, and it’s way easier for us and Crowd Supply to predict sales and adjust our production accordingly.
So the next shipment will happen sometime mid-July, then it will take the same time to get to backers, as this one will (we don’t know when it will be, since it’s the first one!). We don’t know yet which sets or how many will be there, though we will obviously try to make as many as we can. This time we will try to make it more or less in the order of sales, so earlier backers will get their sets earlier! We sincerely apologize that it’s not this way this time, but we hope that seeing Slimes finally starting to ship will bring you more hope that your order will be with you soon too! <3
We have updated the shipment estimates for all orders to August for the first batch, and November for the rest, and new orders for the end of the year. As usual, this is an estimate, but with how we’re going with the assembly, some might arrive earlier :) You will know if your order is shipping to you when you receive an email from Crowd Supply with your tracking number, until then please remain patient, we’re working on it! ^^
While we were writing this update, we progressed on the next shipment substantially: the next 2 pallets of Slimes are almost ready to ship and should go out within a week, stay tuned! And this batch will contain more 5+3 and 7+3 sets to make up for the first shipment!
The parts for the rest are moving along nicely. We have everything we need for full Batch 1 and Batch 2, and a lot of the parts for Batch 3. We expect to have everything we need for full Batch 3 before we get to assembly of it. We won’t post the full breakdown, to make this update shorter, if you’re interested in the numbers, check the channel #production-progress in our Discord server.
When you get your Slimes, open slimevr.dev/setup page of our documentation (link and QR code are on the box and in the instruction manual) to start the setup process. And don’t worry, we have done a lot to make the set up process quick and intuitive! Our helpful setup wizard will guide you through setting up your trackers and even give you helpful advice on how to better use them and achieve better tracking results!
Of course, if you have any problems - our community and support team will be here to help! Please reach out to us in Discord or via Ask Question and we will do our best.
Do you have any technical difficulties? We do thorough testing of each Slime that we ship, but stuff happens. If something doesn’t work, please reach us out via Ask a Question and we will fix it!
Whether you’re getting Slimes in this shipment or one of the next ones, or still thinking about placing your pre-order, make sure to join our community in Discord. It’s one of the most wholesome communities ever :3
Thank you for your continued support and patience! <3 The road is getting clearer and we’re getting better at all this "making Slimes" thing, so soon your Slimes will be with you!