
An open source, Arduino-compatible RISC-V dev kit

Mar 12, 2019

Project update 10 of 10

Announcing the Second Generation of HiFive1 and FE310

Hello, HiFive1 backers!

We hope you’ve enjoyed using your HiFive1 over the last months and years and thank you for helping push the envelope of open source silicon. Today, we’re proud to announce yet another milestone toward that end - we’re officially releasing the second generation of both the HiFive1 (called the HiFive1 Rev B) and the FE310 chip on which it’s based (called the FE310-G002). Both have some great new features, many of which were a direct result of the tremendous amount of constructive feedback we received from the HiFive1 community. Please take a look!

Learn more about the HiFive1 Rev B.

David and the SiFive team

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