Robo HAT MM1

An open source robotics and automation controller for Raspberry Pi.

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Sep 18, 2019

Project update 18 of 29

Testing Jig Arrived

We are getting close to having the boards manufactured. We are just making sure that all our testing procedures are correct and accurate.

This week we have been getting everything ready for going to the factory to make the Robo HAT MM1. We gathered all the components on Monday. We have them all ready now.

500 PCBs delivered!
Components packed ready to go to the factory

Unfortunately, we only received the testing jig on Tuesday afternoon from the company that makes them - after expecting it last Friday. So this has left us a bit stretched for time for manufacturing the boards this week.

Test Jig Finally Arrived!
Test Jig Assembly

We also want to make sure that the testing done on the boards is close to perfect before sending them out to all backers. The last thing we want is for you to open your Robo HAT MM1 and find something in the manufacturing process has failed.

Accurate testing could only be achieved with the test jig in our hands.

By delaying producing the Robo HAT for another week, we will be able to ensure that nothing is wrong with any board.

Expect delivery in October, taking into consideration fulfillment times.

Thank you for all your patience.

Robotics Masters Team.

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