Robo HAT MM1

An open source robotics and automation controller for Raspberry Pi.

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Feb 11, 2020

Project update 26 of 29

Boards out in the wild!

by Cian B

Hey Everyone!

January and February Update

We have been hearing from a number of people and how they plan on using their Robo HAT MM1 boards now that they have arrived to all backers. Docs, software and more updates…

Docs Site

To help everyone out with getting started or to come up with some project ideas, we have been building a documentation website that contains a portion of our help resources - with more coming later.

You can find it here:

If you ever need help or support with your Robo HAT MM1 feel free to reach out to us directly and we will get back to you.

Project Software Update

The Robo HAT MM1 does not stop with this Crowd Supply campaign. We have been busy making the Robo HAT work with more libraries. We already had Arduino and CircuitPython working. We have wanted more options for people to use the board. Currently in development is our Microsoft MakeCode port. We expect this to be up and running in the next two weeks or so.

You can follow our MakeCode progress here on GitHub for now and we will merge it into the pxt-maker repository later.

In addition to MakeCode, we have been expanding CircuitPython and adding drivers for sensors that are useful for the Robo HAT MM1. This includes a new MPU9250 Python Driver and examples on how to use a Serial Pollution Sensor with CircuitPython.

Team Update - China

As you may be aware, China is in lock-down as it deals with the terrible corona-virus. We are working around this (via remote) for team members in Shenzhen, China.

This does cause some difficulties in furthering the project. We will aim to provide updates as we get things completed and still respond to support tickets through Crowd Supply and support everyone in getting the most out of the Robo HAT MM1 and kits bought through the campaign.

Other Resources

Below are some guides that we have prepared for backers to help with using the Robo HAT MM1.

We hope you are all well and safe. Please reach out with any queries you are having with the board.

Robotics Masters Team

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