
An easy-to-use, micro ePaper shield for the Particle & Arduino community

May 02, 2017

Project update 1 of 10

Thanks, an Example Project, and the Pilot PCB Run.

First of all: Thanks for supporting Paperino!

We are so glad to see all of you out there supporting this project. The feedback and questions that we’ve received so far are proof of the interest in ePaper. However we still need some more courageous supporters, so please help us spread the word!

In this update, check out an example Paperino project and see images from our pilot run of PCBs!

Example No. 1: A Connected IoT Desk Frame

Connected IoT Desk Frame.

In case you are still searching for a nice idea we prepared a first example: Let’s build a Connected, IoT Desk Frame!

This example makes use of the reflective properties of ePaper displays. By integrating the Paperino almost seamlessly into one of your favourite drawings, pictures or photos, the ePaper can become part of a larger, printed image, giving it some kind of magic IoT aura! In connection with a Particle Photon we can easily update parts of the screen triggered by web events:

Interested? Check out the project at hackaday:

Pilot Run Received

Pilot run PCB samples.

Yay! Our pilot run PCBs arrived. Finding a PCB manufacturer was not as easy as we hoped, mainly due to our special demands like:

Interested followers looking for some more technical details, please have a look at our detailed project log at

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to ask!



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