
Open source, Arduino-compatible Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) platform for use as a beacon, microcontroller, and HID device.

Jan 21, 2015

Project update 9 of 11

Invitation to Hangout

Hello backers!

As we get closer to shipping out the boards, Revealing Hour Creations will be a hosting a hangout on air where we will deep dive into the territory of Bluetooth Low Energy - an exciting and indispensable phenomenon of the Internet Of Things.

RSVP Convert to my local time

The session is aimed at introducing and discussing the various facets of BLE to beginners and experts alike, with the following agenda

  1. Bluetooth 4.0 - A brief history
  2. What it is ? What it is not ?
  3. Architecture
  4. Characteristics, properties, modes, profiles
  5. iBeacons
  6. What are the current BLE ICs from the major vendors ? What are the legacy ones?
  7. Some of the commonly used starter packs and dev boards
  8. State of iOS and Android
  9. Some of the commonly used apps and frameworks

RSVP Also, we shall be giving you a sneak peek at the final Tah boards that ships in 10 days!

Cheers, Team Tah

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