
An intelligent sleep mask with smart alarm that allows you to track your REM cycle and long term sleeping patterns.

Nov 09, 2015

Project update 6 of 6

REMzen Utility

Greetings REMzen Backers,

The RZ|X1 slumber masks have shipped and I have received word that many of you have already received yours! Again, we thank you for your support and understanding as we get this ambitious project off the ground. We would never have made it this far without you.

I have had a few people ask about the REMzen Utility. It is available for download from our website’s Support Center at:

At the present time, using the utility for Mac OS additionally requires that you install Python Launcher 3.4.3 and the PySerial library, which are also linked in the Support Center.

I will be fleshing out the Support Center over the coming days and weeks, adding more detailed instructions, tutorial videos, and answers to frequently asked questions. Please continue to check back for updated content.

As always, feel free to contact us with any question through the contact page.



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