A powerful, open hardware ECP5 FPGA dev board

Mar 17, 2020

Project update 2 of 20

Thanking You & Announcing Our First Stretch Goal

by Goran Mahovlić

We reached over 200% of our crowdfunding goal in just three days, and we would like to say


Y O U !

for the support.

As a token of our appreciation, we’ve decided to create our first stretch goal: If we raise $40,000 all of you who participated in the campaign by purchasing a 12F, 45F, or 85F board will get a free set of header connectors for your ULX3S! These headers will allow you to connect different PMOD shields as well as an on-board LCD such as the SSD1331. If we meet this stretch goal, we will include:

We will not solder these connectors to your board, as some backers will no doubt prefer different connection options.

ULX3S is a fully open source, compact, robust, and affordable FPGA dev board equipped with a balanced selection of additional components and expansions. Although it was designed primarily as a teaching tool for mastering the principles of digital circuit design, ULX3S incorporates a wide array of features and interfaces that allow it to serve as a broadly useful module for installation in complex devices.

Until our next update!

The Radiona Team

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