Limited items in stock
View Purchasing OptionsThe current batch of BeagleWire boards have all passed testing! BeagleWire boards will be stocked in the next few weeks. Read the full update.
BeagleWire has finished production and will be shipping out packages to backers soon. If you have moved or would like to change your shipping address for any reason, you can update it online through your account on Crowd Supply. If your account needs updating, please do so within 48 hours. Read the full update.
We are a bit behind schedule for fulfilling the BeagleWire crowdfunding orders and pre-orders, but not by much - we still expect to ship before the end of the month. Read the full update.
BeagleWire just got real. We are happy to announce that we have surpassed 100% and the campaign is a success! OSH Park shipped board R1 prototype PCB today and should arrive this week for hand assembly. Read the full update.
Patryk has started preemptive work on the 8K variant of Beaglewire Read the full update.
It has been an exciting week for the BeagleWire campaign. Read the full update.
The BeagleWire campaign is now live. Join us in supporting the open source ecosystem. Watch for weekly announcements and remember to share on social media. Early backers get a lower price so don't delay. Read the full update.