Librem 13 Laptop

The first high-end laptop that respects your privacy, security, and freedom

Aug 22, 2015

Project update 5 of 19

Weekly Update on Librem 13 Production 2015-08-21

We have placed our fabrication order for the Librem 13, and we expect to receive them around the 15th of September. We decided to bite-the-bullet and place the order prior to the campaign funding ending, to avoid any delays.

To keep a running update on dates:

August 15th – “green light” fabrication
August 20th – Todd on-site @ fabrication in Shenzhen

[3-4 weeks fabrication]
September [15th-20th] – Receive hardware for assembly
September [24th-28th] – Ship first orders of Librem 13

Thank you!

Todd Weaver & Purism Team

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