Project update 6 of 11
ESP8266 is a popular wifi controller that can be found in many IOT applications. Sparkfun has thus made an Arduino Shield based on this chip, as shown in the following link
For Arduino UNO Rev3, a soft UART has to be used to control this shield, which makes the programming cumbersome and unwieldy. The PulseRain M10 has made improvement by implementing the second UART in hardware, with a baud rate up to 921600 bps. On top of that, PulseRain M10 also provides an Arduino library (Search M10ESP8266 in the Arduino IDE/Library Manager) to fully control the ESP8266.
A good example of using the M10ESP8266 is the in the video on the campaign page, where a Lego Monster Truck is controlled by the ESP8266. The sketch of the Lego Monster Truck can be found in
In particular, the sketch will setup the ESP8266 as an Access Point, and configure a TCP Server.
To work with the sketch, a correspondent python script can be executed on the PC host side. This script uses keyboard to control the direction of the truck. To make it more fun, joystick can be used to replace the keystroke, with the help of a utility called JoyToKey (