
RISC-V dev board with Zigbee, Thread, Wi-Fi 6, BLE, and battery support

Mar 04, 2024

Project update 3 of 9

CircuitPython and Micropython support, Improvised Zigbee To Arduino Bridge, and more!

by Jan Hybl, Aleksei K

Hello everyone, We have reached our funding goal and would like to thank everyone for the support!

Last week we got a question about CircuitPython and MicroPython support. To use CircuitPython with your Esp32-C6-Bug, download and flash the CircuitPython firmware for any Esp32-C6 based board with 4MB flash.

Micropython support is not as straightforward. As of 3/3/2024 you will have to compile the firmware yourself to make a binary, then flash it with Esptool.

We also tested our Zigbee to Mqtt light bulb bridge. For our test, we used the Immax Neo 07002L Led bulb using the instructions we described in our earlier update and it also worked out-of-the-box!

Another interesting thing we tested was reading Zigbee endpoint switch states using the Arduino framework. It works, but requires porting the attribute/report reading functionality provided in the ESP-IDF. Check out this example to learn more.

Are you interested in a "Zigbee end-device switch" Arduino example? Maybe some other application? Let us know via the "Ask a Question" contact form!

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