Project update 7 of 7
A million thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. We exceeded our goal but are still pushing hard through the end of the campaign (only 5 days left!). The Portland Made team is so grateful to everyone who has supported us thus far including folks from almost every state in the US, as well as France, Norway, Japan and Italy. Merci, takk, arigatō, e grazie. We have even gotten orders from some bookstores and retailers from around Oregon (thank you!).
But our work is not over! We have yet to hear from those of you in South Africa, South America, Australia and Germany. But we know you are out there because we hear from you on a regular basis. And what about everyone in England, Canada, Central America and Antarctica! Keep spreading the word far and wide, and help us take this show on the road (literally).
We have some great pledge levels from local makers including customizable pieces from Portland Razor Co, Caravan Pacific and Tanner Goods. We also have a 5 pack of ice cream from Salt and Straw, and a tour and tasting from Stone Barn Brandyworks.
Will you consider (even if you have already pledged) one of these pledge levels as possibly a gift for you or someone you love this holiday season?
Or maybe you have a favorite local bookstore or retailer that you think should carry the book? Send them the link to the campaign and ask them to order a couple of cases. We are planning on hitting the road in 2016 and would love to come to your local bookstore for an event that celebrates the book, Portland Made goods and your local maker scene. Let’s join forces and highlight all of the amazing things been made in the good ol’ U S of A.
Speaking of bookstores, we are having a big event at Powell’s City of Books in downtown Portland on December 2 at 7:30pm and would love for you to join us, so mark your calendars and bring your friends. Local makers will be on hand to show off their goods and answer questions, and then we will move over to MadeHere PDX for an afterparty where you can get all of your holiday shopping done. Local-style!
Thanks again for your support and for continuing to help us spread the word about the rapidly growing Maker Movement.
Kelley and the Portland Made Team